Further examine anonymous both the left somnolent and subclavial arteries. If necessary also investigate also peripheric vessels, opening them from the centre to periphery. At mors from a sepsis and at appreciable cadaveric decomposing occurs the dissolved haemoglobin, and the intima of vessels, as well as an endocardium, is painted in red-brown colour. Heart opening on method robaxin health Heart opening conduct, as a rule, also in a direction of a current of blood. At first open the right auricle and a right ventricle, then the left auricle and a left ventricle, further - a pulmonary artery and an aorta (fig. 39). At all cuts heart should lay on a table a forward surface up. In it advantage of a method. A.I.Abrikosov fairly recommends to avoid negligent raised heart highly over a table and especially to hold its apex upwards as thus during a cut convolutions of blood and even the separated thrombuses can drop out and. To escape from attention of the prosector.
At first heart put so that its basis has been turned to the prosector. Then enter long warm scissors into the right auricle through the cut bottom vena cava, conduct it to a place of a confluence of the top vena cava and on this line dissect a wall of the right auricle. 140 If there are indicatings on a false cirrhosis (illness of Peak) organs of top "floor" of an abdominal cavity take toradol health together with organs of a thoracal cavity and first of all, even before heart opening, examine bottom on a vein and its relation to pericardiac solderings. Then open the bottom vena cava from heart to a liver and examine its lumen, contents, an intima and walls. From an initial cut it is possible to open both the top vena cava and its branches. Now, having moved apart edges of a cut of a wall of the right auricle, it is possible to examine its cavity and to note contents (liquid blood, convolutions, thrombuses and so forth). Fig. 39. Heart opening on method . Lines with marksmen and digits show a direction and sequence of cuts of heart and large vessels. Having removed contents, it is possible to define approximately volume of a cavity of the right auricle it (is enlarged or reduced), a thickness of its wall, an endocardium condition.
Thus it is necessary to pay attention to a place of a confluence of a coronal sine and on a septum between auricles where there can be an open oval aperture. The ear of the right auricle needs to be turned out, pressing fingers outside. In it there can be thrombuses. Now, having glanced in the right auricle, it is possible to see the three-cuspidate valve, to examine it and fingers to measure passableness of the right atrioventricular aperture. To enter fingers it is necessary cautiously not to take out possible applyings at an endocarditis. After that enter scissors from an auricle through an atrioventricular t health aperture into a cavity of a right ventricle and dissect its wall on to edge of heart to an apex (fig. 39, a cut 1 see). Razdvi - 141 cut edges, examine contents, delete blood, its convolutions, note volume of a cavity of a right ventricle, a thickness of its wall, a condition of an endocardium and valves. The left auricle open after unit of lungs, entering scissors in an aperture of the cut lobby from the left pair pulmonary veins, and from here dissect from top to bottom an external wall of the left auricle to its basis, but not reaching and not cutting the coronal vessels which are passing in a cross-section sulcus. Then enter scissors from the top extremity of this cut in a direction to the right pulmonary veins and dissect the top wall of an auricle. At not separated lungs and at heart opening in situ the same cuts do by a scalpel. Having moved apart cut edges, examine a cavity of the left auricle, a sail of the two-cuspidate valve and cautiously fingers find out passableness left atriovent.ri-kuljarnogo apertures. At last, having entered scissors through atrioventriku-ljarnoe an aperture in a left ventricle, dissect its wall on external edge to a heart apex (fig. 39, a cut 2 see). Having moved apart cut edges, examine contents of a cavity of a left ventricle, find out its volume, measure a thickness of its wall, a condition of an endocardium and two-cuspidate valves. For opening of a pulmonary artery and an aorta heart turn an apex to itself. At first open a pulmonary artery (fig. 39, a cut 3 see). Taking index and big fingers of the left arm a first line of a cut of a wall of a right ventricle and having raised it, enter scissors into a cone of a pulmonary artery approximately on the middle of the mentioned cut. Bran-sha scissors should pass between a forward papillary muscle and an internal surface of own forward wall of a ventricle. Having made a section of a forward wall of a right ventricle and the beginning of a pulmonary artery in the specified direction, have an opportunity widely to open and examine this cone, the valval apparatus of a pulmonary artery, and also a trunk and the basic branches of a pulmonary artery in which it is possible to continue cuts. At survey of the mentioned parts note their contents, volume, a condition of an intima and valves. Besides, 142 Pay attention to a place of a duct that it is necessary to make before aorta opening. For aorta opening raise fingers of the left arm a first line of a cut of a wall of a left ventricle and enter scissors at its lowermost extremity, i.e. At a heart apex. From here refer a cut upwards and dissect a forward wall of a left ventricle, following as it is possible more close to an interventricular septum in a direction to an aorta cone (fig. 39, a cut 4 see). Having made such section of a forward wall of a left ventricle, take scissors and an index finger of the right arm cautiously define passableness of an aortal aperture. After that again enter scissors through an aortal aperture in an aorta and, delaying fingers of the left arm a pulmonary artery to the right, dissect a valval ring of an aorta in the middle between a mouth of a pulmonary artery and an apex of an ear of the left auricle.
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