Having finished anatomic and arithmetic separation of heart, we receive three numerical sizes: 1) weight of auricles, 2) weight of a left ventricle and 3) right ventricle weight. 153 The total weight of auricles, the left and right ventricles is net weight of all heart (). To these four weight data it is necessary to add still the fifth - body weight . To weigh a corpse it is necessary, of course, before opening. Therefore in it is necessary to have decimal balances for weighing of corpses. Having of these five weight data, it is possible to start calculation of indexes - - and left ventricle and right ventricle percentage to all muscular mass or (in abbreviated form) "percent" 1. Ate about to about in and an index , or full weight of a right ventricle to full weight Left ventricle, it is expressed private from division: At people without a heart hypertrophy at weight of a right ventricle 70 , and left - 150 it is peer 0,46. Normal it is considered 2. A warm index or the relation Net weight of heart () to body weight it is expressed Private from division: It is considered normal peer. a left ventricle calculate under the formula: Normal it is considered 59 %. 4. Right ventricle "percent" calculate under the formula: Normal it is So define: 1) net weight of a left ventricle, 2) net weight of a right ventricle, 3) a ventricular index, 4) a warm index, 5) "percent" of a left ventricle and 6) right ventricle "percent". 154 At an idiopathic hypertensia there is an augmentation of muscular mass of heart mainly at the expense of left ventricle augmentation. Approximately: - less than than a lion. L. - 65, of the rights, zhel.-20. The method of separate weighing of heart is considered exact enough, they can tap a hypertrophy of a left ventricle of heart even at small weight of heart when the hypertrophy is imperceptible. STOMACH AND INTESTINE RESEARCH digestive organs stack on a little table so that the bottom surface of a liver has been turned up, a diaphragm - to the left from the prosector. Examine a stomach and a duodenum, note the form and stomach size, density or flabbiness of walls it, register colour, shine or dimness of a serous integument of a stomach, applying, a hemorrhage and so forth Having found more low the piece of an esophagus which is passing through a diaphragm, define passableness of an input in a stomach a finger or scissors. Fig. 40. Intestinal scissors. Having grasped a forceps an esophagus, enter stupid intestinal scissors (fig. 40) in a stomach and, slightly delaying it to the right, cut a stomach on the big curvature, keeping the left arm or a forceps both walls of a stomach immediately behind scissors and following for them. Further get this scissors through the gatekeeper into a duodenum and open it on all extent. 155 If operation of a gastroenterostomy has been made or there was an adnation of a stomach to a cross-section colonic intestine the filed loop of a jejunum, as well as cross-section colonic, with a stomach, open before stomach opening. For definition, passableness of the imposed anastomosis stomach contents, and ' it is absent, the water poured in a stomach overtake in the filed intestine, squeezing cautiously a stomach. For definition of durability and tightness of seams recommend to dress before opening of the filed loop of an intestine all lumens and to fill a stomach with air by means of the pump. Then, having shipped all preparation in water, under water put upon a stomach pressure. If seams , appear bubbles. If it is necessary to investigate stomach contents before esophagus and jejunum crossing, at their extraction from a corpse, them dress. On . an input in a stomach and, having overturned it over a vessel, collect contents, raising a stomach exit. After that make stomach opening. Having cast away a stomach wall, examine its opening mucosa from cardia to the gatekeeper, following on small curvature. Then examine all mucous a bottom and the big curvature.
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Thus note a thickness of a wall of a stomach, and colour mucous, it or a smoothness, presence of slime, a hemorrhage, erosion, an ulcer, a tumour and so forth It is necessary to distinguish in a stomach slime swallowed from the slime formed at a mucous hypersecretion. Last is not washed off by water, and happens is strongly bound to a stomach mucosa. It is necessary to specify in detail localisation of tumours and ulcers and in detail to describe their size, the relation to the next organs and so forth It is necessary to mean often and quickly coming cadaveric changes of a stomach expressed in a self-digestion. Usually process of a cadaveric gastromalacia arises in a bottom and on a back wall of a stomach and reaches sometimes their full punching with outpouring of a contained stomach in an abdominal cavity. Duodenum research. Note its volume, a thickness of walls, contain - |56 Mine, bile, a mucosa condition, a plethora, ulcers, tumours, diverticulums and so forth Special attention it is necessary to turn on a papilla where ducts open in an intestine: cholic and a pancreas. Define passableness of cholic ducts by cautious squeezing of a cholic bubble. If bile thus does not leave in a duodenum, it specifies in presence of an obstacle or in a vesical duct, or in the general cholic duct. If at squeezing of the general cholic duct in a direction to an exit bile also does not appear, it speaks about obstacle presence in it. In this case it is necessary to open cholic ducts and to establish the scholia reason. For this purpose probe a cholic duct from an intestine in a papilla and on a fluted probe open with its small blunt scissorses. Thus it is necessary to delay a duodenum to itself, giving to these to a duct probably rectilinear direction. Further open vesical both hepatic ducts and a cholic bubble. It is necessary to remember, that in a vesical duct of a cord of its mucosa (valvulae Heis-teri) settle down spirally.
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