Them; define a consistence of lungs, which elastic, flabby, dense, pastose, fluffy And so forth hiluses of lungs Examine, investigate a lymph knots and their relation to bronchuses, vessels and Lung. ". -After that make opening of the right lung-. Once again cautiously feel to be guided in a locating of inspissations, cavities and so forth the Left arm fix a lung on a little table, squidoo health slightly pressing its palm with divorced fingers for augmentation of coverage of a surface, and the right arm armed with the big amputating knife, spend a cut one movement to itself, from an apex sideways to a root and a phrenic surface through inspissations, cavities and so forth Sawing movements to cut it is impossible! If one movement of a knife the cut is not has gone right, a knife take out, turn on the top flap, put a knife in an initial position an edge up to to to parts, return the turned on flap into place and again knife movement to itself up to the end, but, do not separate a part of a lung the friend from the friend/at it try is longitudinal to cut large bronchuses and vessels.
If one cut it will appear a little, do additional cuts, but it is obligatory, parallel to the first, parting an organ on a layer, like book sheets. In that case research is made full, and the organ does not spoil, does not lose value and can be kept for a museum. Examine surfaces of cuts and note their colour, , humidity, dryness and so forth Take out a knife blood and a liquid from a cut surface, thus drying it. 126 Having noted all pathological changes, slightly squeeze a lung both arms, thus contents of vessels, bronchuses and alveoluses it is squeezed out. The appearing liquid on a surface of a cut deacdron health of a lung can be foamy if in alveoluses there was air; the liquid abundance speaks about an edema, it is about stagnation of blood in a lung; sometimes the liquid happens muddy and in case of an impurity of leucocytes and slu-shchennogo an alveolar epithelium.
Cut out small slices of a pulmonary tissue and lower in a vessel with water. If slices float - they easier water, so, if sink - more hardly, alveoluses, so, do not contain air, and are executed by an exsudate that speaks about a pneumonia or about an atelectasis. Note size, topographical position of the condensed centres, their diffusion; whether they occupy all share, either separate lobes, or separate acinuses of a lung; note their colour, inspissation degree, a condition of a surface of a cut which can be smooth or granular, dry or wet and so forth Investigate also cavities or , their walls, contents, reports with bronchuses or with a pleural cavity and so forth Research of bronchuses. Already at a prelum of lungs from the cut bronchuses the exsudate - mucous, , , fibrinous can be allocated. With scissors open bronchuses in a direction, to periphery and to collars and pay attention to width of a lumen, a thickness of walls and a condition of the mucous. - It is possible to make for definition of prescription of an atelectasis hews health of lungs to a cut them air insufflation in bronchuses the pump. If the atelectasis centres finish, they, so, fresh if do not finish - old. Opening of the left lung. cautiously overturn and put a back surface on a table, and a lobby up. It is convenient for making following reception: the right arm with divorced fingers put on a back surface of a preparation, and the left arm brings under a preparation on its forward surface. Keeping a preparation the right arm, left it slightly raise and reject to the right, and right reject to the left and from top to bottom. The preparation thus easily turns over. 127 Now to the right of the prosector the left lung, and at the left-.pravoe, already opened lays. The cut of the left lung and all research conduct how it is already described for the right lung. ABOUT THE SEGMENTARY STRUCTURE OF LUNGS In connection with successful working out of surgical methods of treatment of diseases of lungs there was a pressing need in topical diagnostics for which division of the right lung into three shares, and left on two has appeared obviously insufficient. Observations show, that occurrence and diffusion of disease processes in lungs is limited to the sites which have received the name of segments more often. It dictates necessity of detailed studying of intrapulmonary anatomic parities with which pathologists should be familiar. In 1955 on the International congress of anatomists in Paris the international nomenclature of bronchuses and on which each lung consists of 10 segments has been accepted. To each segment there corresponds the segmental bronchus and a branch of a pulmonary artery. Large veins pass between segments, designating their borders. Segmental bronchuses have exact designations and numbering. The segments of lungs corresponding to segmental bronchuses, have the same numbering and the same designations, as bronchuses. Under the form they are similar to wrong cones or pyramids, tops turned to. lungs, and the bases - to a surface of lungs. So, in each lung now, according to the international nomenclature accepted by the International congress of anatomists in Paris in 1955, distinguish 10 segments, each of which has the segmental bronchus and a branch of a pulmonary artery. Between segments there pass the intersegmental veins designating borders of segments. The right lung In it distinguish following 10 segments (on D.A.Zhdanovu) (fig. 34, L,). 128 1. Segmentum apicale (an apical segment of the top share) - forms the site of the top share, fills a dome of a pleural cavity. Its bronchus goes upright upwards. Fig. 34. The scheme of a locating of segments of lungs (on D.A.Zhdanovu),
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