воскресенье, 1 февраля 2009 г.

At early mors from a hemotransfusionic shock, at the first 10 o'clock after a transfusion, the greatest changes arise in , lungs, a head brain, a lien and kidneys and are expressed in the form of sharp circulatory disturbances and a flow of lymph - a hyperemia, peri-vaskuljarnyj an edema, hemorrhages, a leukocytosis, aggljuti-natsionnye thrombuses and hyaline. 187 At mors till 24 o'clock after a transfusion, except disorders krovo - and flows of lymph, are observed the dystrophic and necrobiotic phenomena. They are especially well appreciable in. and kidneys. If the mors comes late, in some days there are sharply expressed dystrophic processes in kidneys and a necrobiosis of an epithelium health story of all canaliculuses. In direct canaliculuses hyaline cylinders, erythrocyte, , a desquamated epithelium, in a stroma - leukocytic and infiltrates are found out. The glomerulonephritis is sometimes observed. If blood of incompatible group in vessels of internal organs are observed erythrocytes has been transfused - the ecoid remains, and haemoglobin disappears. - It is necessary to remember, that water water, in particular warm which wash out on opening organs, makes a hemolysis, this artefact can be regarded as a hemolysis intravital. To avoid ' , it is necessary not to wash water. At transfusion bloods to the recipient, to a Rh factor, at mors in the first days in vessels of internal organs the sharp hemolysis is observed, plasma is painted by haemoglobin, and erythrocytes form clumps. In late terms of mors, till 15 days: it is possible to see the greatest changes in kidneys; kidneys - are great; are flabby, the capsule is taken out easily, on a kidney cut the cortical layer is thick, a cerebral layer of violet-red colour. microscopical research of kidneys the necrobiosis of an epithelium and appreciable expansion of the canaliculuses filled with haemoglobin, an epithelium and leucocytes are visible. It can be observed. uremias. At transfusion of the substandard Bloods, and infected, already in the first Hours arise dystrophic and necrobiotic of parenchymatous organs with disintegration tov - And, leucocytes.

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