вторник, 3 февраля 2009 г.

Ways and . The way

Ways and . The way consists in the conclusion of preparations in gelatin, and a way - in their conclusion in an agar-agar. Both ways are well developed by V.T.Talalaevym who gives following prescriptions.Technics of processing and conservation museum . Acidum carbolicum. Agarinic admixture more strongly and more a rack, than gelatinous which fluidizes eventually. Preparations in the form male health of the plates, processed on the Bank-nikovu-razvedenkovu, etc., conclude in an agar-agar in the hermetic trays made of two glass plates between which lay wooden dry in the thickness 0,5 see For strengthening of these linings-brusochkov of a plate grease along the edges of an enamel paint, strew fine sand and paste putty at first to one plate. A preparation stack in such tray and fill in or an agar, avoiding thus vesiculations of air and pressing down a preparation .
After hardening fill in from above once again. To gelatin after cooling , pouring on its surface of of formalin at some o'clock; after that it loses ability to fluidize at warming up. Having removed formalin and having waited for 2-3 days, merge water and cover with the second glass, pasting it putty. The way of Medvedev consists that instead of gelatin and an agar apply hydrogel of silicon acid. The solutions prepared for the future well remain in the closed bottles vaguely long time. They Blogs about male yeast are admixed ex tempore concerning and a solution pour in in a solution I. In some minutes after mixing there comes coagulation - passes in gel. The colloid of weakly alkaline reaction close to reaction of tissues turns out. Hardness of gel is defined by a percussion on a bath, thus the arm holding a bath, tests vibration. It is necessary to prepare solutions of precisely specified specific gravity on for Boma; at mixing it is necessary as precisely to observe the specified parities.

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