понедельник, 2 февраля 2009 г.

Then enter the cotton

Then enter the cotton plugs moistened with a fragrant disinfectant or embalming liquid in depth of external acoustical passage, to depth of nostrils to a nasopharynx, into an anal orifice, in the channel, in a vagina. After that wash a corpse water with soap, then a disinfectant liquid, shave, cut, if it is necessary, wash the person and wipe all corpse dry. If after health rs
embalming opening is not made, it is necessary to dress and give at once a corpse to it corresponding position that it was not fixed in unpleasant position. If after embalming opening a corpse, of course, do not dress is supposed, but give it due position, and clothing, as well as opening, will be a little complicated. At opening large vessels (and veins) before a section them need to be dressed arteries to warn 223 an embalming liquid (somnolent, subclavial, ileal).
Upon termination of research of organs do a number of additional cuts of large organs, especially easy, immerse them for the period of opening of a corpse in 20 % formalin solution, then in cuts put the cotton wool moistened with formalin or a solution of corrosive sublimate or chloride zinc, and upon termination of opening stack in a corpse. Body cavities preliminary dry and also the cotton wool which moistened with formalin or a solution of corrosive sublimate and has been squeezed out, or fall asleep about health
chloride zinc. Rectum and bladder release from contained by squeezing and tampon the cotton wool moistened with a solution of corrosive sublimate or formalin. Gastroenteric tract open, carefully wash out and immerse in 20 % formalin solution. It is better to begin opening of organs with an intestine that it was in formalin during all time spent for opening.
Then it put in the cotton wool moistened with a solution of corrosive sublimate, pour chloride zinc and stack in a corpse. Long since recommend an intestine not to put back in a corpse in view of an abundance in it flora, and to betray to its burning. Even when openings do not make, it is recommended to remove through an abdominal section an intestine, having imposed a preliminary ligature on a mesentery root.

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