понедельник, 2 февраля 2009 г.

Through the same

Through the same cut empty a stomach, a bladder, a rectum, and cavities of pleurae release from an exsudate through additional cuts of a diaphragm. In a body cavity put the cotton wool moistened with formalin, a corrosive sublimate solution and so forth Upon termination of opening make a toilet of a corpse as it is described above. It is possible slightly and to tint labiums cautiously the carmine admixed with Vaselinum and Lanolinum. Other ways of embalming Embalming through an abdominal aorta.
Open a stomach on an average line, take small bowels and, having rejected them to the right, otpreparovyva - an abdominal aorta above its bifurcation. Bring under it three ligatures. Having made in an aorta a window, fix in pour an average ligature a cannula and enter every day news a liquid in two directions - to heart and to feet, fasten a ligature and take a cannula. Embalming through the general carotid. For this purpose dissect a skin on internal edge of the right grudino-kljuchichno-papillary muscle. Bare a carotid and separate it throughout 5 6 see Needle bring under it three ligatures.
Do in an artery a window through which take blood convolutions, and enter a cannula in a direction to heart. Fix a cannula an average ligature and pour, as it has been specified above.
When the liquid will start to follow from a window of this artery, an artery dress the top ligature and a cannula move to other piece of an artery and continue to pour. As blood read health news at this method does not leave, liquids is spent less, approximately about 5 l. After the termination the bottom ligature fasten, a cannula take also a skin cut sew up. Embalming through a femoral artery. Do a cut of a skin of the right hip from the middle ligaments down to the hip middle. Stupid by release a femoral artery throughout sm and arrive, as it has been already described. Pour in a direction to heart, and after that to periphery.

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